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Learning New Things

It's been a long time since my last post; and a lot has been going on. For one thing, Wix has updated their way of doing thin​gs - and it hasn't cost me anything. I've stayed on the free plan (as I can't afford to pay for the yearly yet) and like my other Blogger blogs I can now colour my posts.

I've also been taking needlepoint classes over the last month or so; and have been making some pretty cool things.

At first, they were difficult to do as I'm not a mathematical person and we had to count threads in the tapestry. But as time went on and I practiced

, I found it became easier and I found the pattern in things instead of the number of what I had to count.

So far, we've been learning to make scissor keepers and now I'm at the final stages of a box, using all the stitches I've learned over the last few weeks... and seeing I've been only going once a week and practicing for the other six days/nights, I have been picking it up quite well.

There's also a few new things coming to my craft stall in the new year! As I mentioned before, I'm hoping to get some miniature portraits of flowers done up and finally, I've started on more in the last few days... and there's two which have caught the public's eye. I'm also hoping to get some bottle cap magnets made up - of foreign beers and root beers as fun magnets to sell... which ought to be fun. And then, I'm also keeping up the pegs and I'm also starting to personalise the coat hangers with letters on them. This is all going to happen next year, as new lines come into play and others are phased out to make room for them.

I can't wait for all this to happen. It's all in the blue-print stages at the moment, and I'm hoping to get it all working soon. Well, until my next post, keep creating!

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