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Ahead of Schedule!

Don't you love it when you're ahead of schedule?

Yep, me too!

And that's just what I am - I'm six months ahead of schedule! How cool is that? The table cloths weren't supposed to be made until around Christmas (when I had more time on my hands) and instead, I made them when it poured rain and I was given some lovely fabrics.

Now, something else has fallen through on my work on Crafty Pegs (just how hard is it to find the right size magnets these days?) and so I've have my niece, Riley, suggest I make sickers to sell at the markets. However, I don't want to go to the expense of buying the sticker paper, a printer, ink and then designing them all... I want to use things I already have in my stores.

So, instead of stickers, I thought people would love to take home with them a miniature painting of flowers. I have plenty of small canvasboards and photos of flowers I took years ago (for paintings in my bedroom to match my then new bedroom suite), so I got around 70 printed up at K-Mart, put them all into a photo ablum I've been using off and on for my art and am using these photos as templates for the paintings... and they're not all just one size either! They'll be different sizes and so different prices.

I'm looking forward to getting as many done as possible and thus having these ready by the beginning of 2016 to sell.

There's also plenty of coat hangers I need to get done, plenty of pegs to organise (for the Original Crafty Pegs still sell) and the Lucky Dip is still going off well too.

So, yes, I'm busy - ahead of schedule, but busy. And this is just where I'd like to be. Until my next post, keep creating!

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