I'm sorry about my absence here. I've been busily working away on a couple of paintings at the art group I've joined in the past year. It's been most inspiring to work with people at the Logan Artist Association - people who think and live the same way I do. And I'm learning new ways to paint as well through them as well.
The group in Tuesdays are a good variety of people of all ages, who do all different styles of work -from watercolour, oils, scratch-board, acrylics and pencil work - and yet we all have that one thing in common: to create something which moves people in some way.
I'm so happy to have joined a lovely group and am currently working on two pieces - and coming to the end of both of them. So, I'll be able to upload them soon. I'll be excited to work on another piece soon enough, and finish that one too.
I'm also knitting beanies - lots of them. I'm doing that at night and totally enjoying it! I've designed my own beanies which are a mix between a Journey beanie and an 'Alice In Wonderland' style hat - and they have crazy colours running through them too; so they work out really well.
So, there you have it: my work right now in both worlds. I'm working on the paintings and craft arena at the same time. Am I tired? Yes. Am I excited about my work? Oh yes! i'm also writing again too... which is a great thing too.
